Are you considering Donnybrook, WA 6239 as your next move? It's a good first step to discover if the area is a good fit for you based on factors such as proximity to schools etc. The suburb profile utilises market-leading data to provide you with the Donnybrook median property prices, market trends & demographics to allow you to make informed decisions about your next property move.
Whether you are upsizing or downsizing to Donnybrook, continue reading for a brief history lesson to discover more about the amazing lifestyle and what makes this suburb a worthy option.
Lifestyle Donnybrook has a wide range of amenities. There are bakeries, cafes, community centres, golf courses, parks, pitches, pubs, restaurants, sports centres and supermarkets in Donnybrook (WA), Western Australia. The day in Donnybrook might start off with a visit to the bakery for breakfast and then grab a coffee at the cafe on the way to work. After work take a walk through Walter Trigwell Park and enjoy dinner at one of the many restaurants in town. There are many different types of shops, parks, restaurants, and many other amenities in the area. A day in Donnybrook would start off with a coffee at Cafe Tiffanys or JTs coffee barn. The day might end with a drink at the Donnybrook Hotel. Schools include Donnybrook District High, Donnybrook District High School
History Donnybrook is a town situated between Boyanup and Kirup on the South Western Highway, 210 kilometres south of Perth, Western Australia. The town is the centre of apple production in Western Australia. The town is also known for its picturesque abundance of English Oak trees, as well as for the Apple Fun Park, a large outdoor playground in the centre of town. The Noongar Aboriginals were the first humans to live in the area, and they named it Donnybrook. European settlers arrived in 1842 and called it Donnybrook after a suburb of Dublin. In 1897, Richard Hunter discovered gold about 6 kilometres south of the Donnybrook townsite. A mini gold rush occurred and the government declared a new town called Goldtown. From 1901 census records, over 200 gold miners were camped on the goldfields. The excitement was short-lived however, and the Hunters Venture mine closed in August 1903. Gold was worked during the Great Depression by locals Laurie and Foster Payne, then re-pegged and explored during the 1980s and again from 2004-5.
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