Kotta VIC, 3565

Kotta Real Estate: Suburb Profile

Are you considering Kotta, VIC 3565 as your next move? It's a good first step to discover if the area is a good fit for you based on factors such as proximity to schools etc. The Homes.com.au suburb profile utilises market-leading data to provide you with the Kotta median property prices, market trends & demographics to allow you to make informed decisions about your next property move.

Whether you are upsizing or downsizing to Kotta, continue reading for a brief history lesson to discover more about the amazing lifestyle and what makes this suburb a worthy option.

What are the most common nationalities?

The five most common nationalities of residents are: English, German, Scottish, Greek, Irish.

Real Estate Kotta, 3565 Statistics


Median Age

Demographic data provided by ABS 2016

Kotta Median Property Price

Total properties sold in the last 12 months
Apartments / Units$599,000

Properties in Kotta VIC, 3565


Surrounding Suburbs

Get a sense of the area through these surrounding suburbs.
What's the size of Kotta? Kotta is 57.39 square kilometres and has a population of 29.
What's the postcode for Kotta, VIC? The postcode for Kotta, VIC is 3565.