Are you looking at Orana, WA 6330 to buy? It's important to determine whether the suburb is suitable for you (and your family?). The suburb profile informs you with unique data about Orana house prices, demographics & market trends so that we can help you make an intelligent decision about your future property purchase.
Whether you are upsizing or downsizing to Orana, continue reading for a brief history lesson to learn more about the lifestyle and what the suburb has to offer.
Overview Orana is a northwestern suburb that is part of the city of Albany in Western Australia. With a total land area of 2.4 square kilometres, it is located 3.2 km northwest of the Albany CBD area. It also belongs to the local government area of the City of Albany. Based on the 2011 census, Orana has a population of 2,009. The following suburbs border it: McKail, Milpara, Yakamia, Gledhow, Lockyer, and Centennial Park.
Living in Orana Orana is a small suburb in terms of size, but it is one of the most thriving housing markets in Western Australia. The majority of its residents are families living in private dwellings. Over the past few years, the suburb has achieved a 10.8% annual growth rate in housing prices, with the current median house price in Orana being $293,750. The median age for its population is 36 years, and the households have an average member of 2. This suburb is accessible via the Anson Road, South Coast Highway, and Le Grand Avenue. There are two schools located within the boundaries of this suburb: North Albany Senior High School and a Montessori school – Parklands School.
History of Orana The suburb of Orana was officially gazetted in 1979. However, there is little to no record of its history over the years.
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