Are you considering Dianella, WA 6059 as your next move? It's a good first step to discover if the area is a good fit for you based on factors such as proximity to schools etc. The suburb profile utilises market-leading data to provide you with the Dianella median property prices, market trends & demographics to allow you to make informed decisions about your next property move.
Whether you are upsizing or downsizing to Dianella, continue reading for a brief history lesson to discover more about the amazing lifestyle and what makes this suburb a worthy option.
Lifestyle In Dianella, Western Australia there are a number of amenities including public parks, cafes, restaurants, libraries, supermarkets and banks. A day in Dianella could start with a walk around a local park followed by a visit to a coffee shop or restaurant for breakfast. In the afternoon you might enjoy a stroll through one of the local nature reserves. You might go for a swim at the pool before going to the supermarket or going out for dinner. Schools include Our Lady's Assumption Primary School, Dianella Secondary College, Dianella Heights Primary School, Australian Islamic College (Dianella Campus), Sutherland Dianella Primary School, Saint Andrew’s Grammar School, West Morley Primary School.
History Dianella is a suburb of Perth, Western Australia. It is within the local government area of the City of Stirling. The area has sandy soil which was considered unsuitable for agriculture, but was subdivided in the 1880s. Growth was slow until 1958 when it was amalgamated into Dianella, which generated some growth. Development progressed during the 1960s and construction first occurred north from Walter Road and Grand Promenade, with St Andrews, Montclair Rise and Dress Circle Estates being the last major areas to be developed in the early 2000s. Housing ranges from modest post-war homes to large, modern two storey dwellings. Dianella was Perth and Western Australia's media centre; with three of Perth's major commercial television stations based there until Channel 7 relocated to Osborne Park in 2015.
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