Are you considering Inglewood, WA 6052 as your next move? It's a good first step to discover if the area is a good fit for you based on factors such as proximity to schools etc. The suburb profile utilises market-leading data to provide you with the Inglewood median property prices, market trends & demographics to allow you to make informed decisions about your next property move.
Whether you are upsizing or downsizing to Inglewood, continue reading for a brief history lesson to discover more about the amazing lifestyle and what makes this suburb a worthy option.
Lifestyle Inglewood has many amenities, including bakeries, cafes, fast foods, golf courses, libraries, parks, pitches, pubs, restaurants and supermarkets. A day in Inglewood can look like anything from visiting a bakery for breakfast to playing golf in the afternoon. Inglewood has a few amenities and a day in Inglewood could include:Golf courses: Mount Lawley Golf ClubPitches: Wordsworth Reserve, Perth Plasterboard Centre StadiumPubs: Civic Hotel Schools include Inglewood Primary School.
History Inglewood is an inner-city suburb of Perth, Western Australia, 4 kilometres north-east of its central business district. It is located within the local government area of the City of Stirling. The suburb of Inglewood was given its name by John Gregory in 1831. It is also plausible to derive that the suburb was named after the Inglewood Gold rush region of California given the suburb was developed during the gold boom era of the 1890s by a company calling itself Gold Estates of Australia. E.W. Hammer named part of the estate "Inglewood Estate" in 1895. The suburb was originally developed by a company called Gold Estates of Australia and a section now referred to as The Avenues was the first to be subdivided. This development included land from the railway line to North Street and eventually through to Eleventh Avenue and Dundas Road; the later subdivision was named Inglewood Estate.
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