Are you looking at Fairfield West, NSW 2165 to buy? It's fundamental to decide if the suburb is a good fit for you based on factors such as proximity to schools etc. The suburb profile aims to give you a better understanding of Fairfield West house prices, demographics & market trends so we can help you make informed decisions about your potential move to the suburb.
If you're looking at buying in Fairfield West, keep reading for a brief history lesson to find out more about the fantastic lifestyle and what the suburb has to offer.
Overview Fairfield West is a Sydney neighbourhood in New South Wales, Australia. Moreover, Fairfield West is in the local authority area of the City of Fairfield, 27 km from Sydney's central commercial district.
Living in Fairfield West Fairfield West in New South Wales is a convenient main centre. It offers plenty of parks, universities, and shops. Inexpensive property investment and accommodation are available and on the rise, particularly in neighbouring regions, such as Guildford, Merrylands, Granville, Cabramatta, etc. It boasts a central commercial district with all the facilities you seek, including commercial, healthcare, and overall local services.
History of Fairfield West The Cabrogal tribe inhabited Fairfield West when the British immigrants first set foot in Sydney. Then, in 1856, a railway station was established in nearby Fairfield, resulting in significant population expansion surrounding the station, which ultimately led to Fairfield West getting subdivided in the 1870s. During that period, Fairfield was predominantly composed of small farms. However, when a Progress Association was formed, the establishment of a post office, school, and sports ground took place in the community.
Learn more about the Fairfield West property market by linking up with an accomplished Fairfield West real estate agent using our find agent page.