Are you looking at Glossodia, NSW 2756 to buy? It's crucial to determine if the suburb is suitable for you (and your family?). The suburb profile informs you with unique data about Glossodia house prices, demographics & market trends so we can help you justify the price for your potential move to the suburb.
If you are considering packing up and moving to Glossodia, have a little read of our historical overview to find out more about the lifestyle and what the suburb has to offer.
Overview Glossodia is a semi-rural suburb of Sydney, in the state of New South Wales, Australia. It is located 68 km northwest of the Sydney central business district and lies within the local government area of the City of Hawkesbury. Glossodia has a population of 2,828 people, as recorded in the 2016 census.
Living in Glossodia Glossodia is a small suburb and lies right near Comlerov State Forest. It is a quiet suburb with lots of parks for kids and a friendly neighbourhood. As it is a rural town, it is popular among young families with kids and retired people. The suburb boasts some good shops, pharmacies, and takeaways. It is also home to Glossodia Public School. There are so many positive aspects to this wonderful area, including a daycare centre, community centre, and soccer fields. Everything is within walking distance, making the suburb a preferred destination for families. The Sydney Guide Dog Centre is another notable feature of the suburb.
History of Glossodia Glossodia was popular with the name of ‘Currency Creek’ before 1922, when its name was changed. The suburb took its name from Australia's small genus of mostly purple orchids.
Learn more about the Glossodia real estate market by connecting with an expert Glossodia real estate agent on our find agent page.