If you're buying, renting, or investing in Hannaford, QLD 4406, it is fundamental to establish if the area meets your real estate requirements. The Homes.com.au suburb profile informs you with unique data about Hannaford house prices, demographics & market trends to help you make an intelligent decision about your next property move.
If you are making a move to Hannaford, continue reading for a brief historical overview to discover more about the fantastic lifestyle and what makes this suburb a worthy option.
Overview Hannaford is a rural town within the Western Downs Region of Queensland, Australia. It is a massive town covering an area of 1,134 square kilometres.
Hannaford is located within the Western Downs Region local government area and the federal division of Maranoa. According to the 2016 census data, it is home to 1,466 people. Some of the nearby suburbs are Condamine, Barramonie, The Gums, Inglestone, Meandarra, Southwood, and Moonie.
Living in Hannaford Since most of the land in Hannaford was historically used for agriculture, a lot of the suburb remains undeveloped. This explains the low-density population in Hannaford. There is only one state primary school in this suburb, and it is located along Hannaford Road. The median age of the suburb is 46. The major industries employing Hannaford residents are beef cattle farming, grain growing, sheep farming, and education.
History of Hannaford Hannaford is flat land, so it was historically used for agricultural purposes. The first railway station – Hannaford railway station – was established and named in 1924. The first school opened in the area in 1929, and five years later, the first post office was also open to the public.
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