Is Koah, QLD 4881 on your radar? It is fundamental to understand if it is worth researching further. The suburb profile informs you with unique data about Koah median property prices, market trends & demographics so we can help you make an informed decision about your future property purchase.
If you are making a move to Koah, continue reading for a brief history lesson to discover the lifestyle and what the suburb has to offer.
Overview Koah is a rural suburb in the Shire of Mareeba. It is located in Queensland, Australia, and it has a population of around 602 people. It is surrounded by the suburbs of Mareeba, Mona Mona, Lamb range, Barron Gorge, and Kuranda, among other suburbs.
Living in Koah Koah is the suburb where the Tablelands railway enters and passes through. Koah is a large rural suburb with a lot of natural habitat and vegetation. There is very little residential development in Koah. For more city-like amenities, you will need to travel to Cairns, which is a 93km drive from Koah.
A large part of Koah is made up of the Bilwon State Forrest and Dinden West State Forrest.
History of Koah There is not a lot of information about the history of Koah. What is known is that it has a railway passing through it even up to this day.
Learn more about the Koah property market by making a connection with a top-notch Koah real estate agent on our find agent page.