If you are considering buying, renting, or investing in Pelican Point, WA 6230, it's fundamental to discover if the area ticks all the boxes regarding your budget and lifestyle. The Homes.com.au suburb profile provides information on Pelican Point property prices, market trends & demographics to help you make an intelligent decision about your future purchase.
If you're looking at buying in Pelican Point, continue reading for a brief history lesson to find out more about the amazing lifestyle and what makes this suburb so great.
Overview Pelican Point is a suburb in Bunbury located in the northeastern portion of the region. It was established in 1970 with a total land area of 2.2 square kilometres. As of the 2016 census, the number of residents in the suburb is 874. It is located 6 km from the city centre of Bunbury and is surrounded by other suburbs like Australind, Vittoria, Eaton, Picton, and Glen Iris.
Living in Pelican Point Pelican Point is a suburb that was developed primarily for low density and large single homes. Therefore, the area is considered one of the best family-friendly suburbs that offer a high quality of life. It is divided into three distinct housing estates, and all are defined around the golf courses and canals.
There are plenty of leisure and recreational facilities in Pelican Point, including the activity centres like Pelican Point Local Centre and the Sanctuary Golf and Resort – arguably its main attraction. There are also numerous parks, B&Bs, hotels, and a neighbourhood shopping centre known as the Eaton Central Shopping Centre.
History of Pelican Point Established in 1997, Pelican Point is a suburb developed after the Sanctuary Golf and Resort launch. It was then that residential developments followed, and Pelican Point came to be the suburb that it is today.
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