If you are considering buying, renting, or investing in Rosanna, VIC 3084, it's fundamental to discover if the area is an ideal option for you (and your family?). The Homes.com.au suburb profile provides the statistics on Rosanna median property prices, market trends & demographics so we can enable you to make a smart decision on your future property purchase.
If you are new to Rosanna, keep reading for a brief history lesson to discover the lifestyle and what makes this suburb a worthy option.
Overview Rosanna is a suburb located 12 kilometres from the central business district of the City of Melbourne. This suburb can be found within the parameters of the Yarra Valley green belt, the reason behind the lush and leafy nature of the town. In 2016, Rosanna had a population of 25,514 residents.
Living in Rosanna Rosanna is near Melbourne’s CBD, a few local amenities, and the green environment within the suburb. Also, this suburb has a transportation system including a railway line and two bus routes within the region that passes through the CBD. It has lots of open spaces, parklands, nature reserves, sports facilities, and playgrounds that families especially enjoy. The suburb also has several educational institutions and several sports clubs that locals can choose from.
History of Rosanna Before it became a township of its own, Rosanna was a part of the larger region of Warringal Village, which was subdivided in 1838. Among the most significant portions of land was Rosanna, which fell in the hands of James Watson in 1840. Watson named the land Rose Anna Farm in honour of his wife, but later on, he was forced to sell his land when he ended up in a financial slump and got sued for fraud. The land of Rosanna was subdivided during the early 1900s following the extension of the Hurstbridge Railway Line.
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