Does Bentley, WA 6102 real estate interest you? It's important to establish if the suburb is an ideal option for you (and your family?). The suburb profile provides information on Bentley median property prices, market trends & demographics so that we can enable you to make a smart decision on your future purchase.
Whether you are upsizing or downsizing to Bentley, continue reading for a brief historical overview to learn more about the lifestyle and what makes this suburb so popular.
Overview Bentley is a Perth suburb located eight kilometres southeast of the city's central business district. The City of Canning and the Town of Victoria Park are its local government areas. Kent street to the west, Manning road to the south, Burton/Mills Street to the south, and the Armadale railway line to the northeast define Bentley. The area east of Albany Highway is primarily commercial and industrial, and environmental and cattle grazing operations dominate the area west of Albany Highway. The rest of the property is exclusively residential.
Living in Bentley Bentley Park's approved name was based on information from local early immigrant families, and the park was decommissioned in 1956. Bentley is a well-established neighbourhood with schools, restaurants, a retail centre, and a significant retirement community. Curtin University is also located in Bentley. Bentley is a well-established suburb featuring restaurants, a retail mall, and a large retirement community. It's a reasonably priced area that's only about 5 kilometres from Victoria Park's cafe strip. Public transportation is very well-served in Bentley.
History of Bentley Because one location inside the proposed district had been known as 'Bentley Hill' for more than 70 years, the Canning Road Board recommended 'Bentley Park' for the suburb in April 1940. According to research into the name's origins, a large camp was formed on this hill in 1870 when the Albany 'Block' Road was being built, and the Warder in Charge of the men was named 'Bentley.'
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Spicy Mama's Lunchbar.
Chemist Warehouse.
Bentley Liquor Bottlemart.
The postcode for Bentley, WA is 6102
Bentley IGA, Spudshed, Woolworths.
Bentley (WA) is 5.38 square kilometres and has a population of 1369.
The five most common nationalities of residents are: English, Chinese, Indian, Irish, Scottish.