If you are considering buying, renting, or investing in Coopers Plains, QLD 4108, it's fundamental to discover if it is an ideal consideration, given your lifestyle and circumstances. The Homes.com.au suburb profile removes the guesswork by providing the Coopers Plains median property prices, market trends & demographics to help you justify the price for your next home or investment.
If you're looking at buying in Coopers Plains, have a little read of our historical overview to discover more about the lifestyle and what makes this suburb a worthy option.
Overview Coopers Plains comes under the City of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. This suburb had 5,483 people, according to the 2016 census. Brisbane CBD has it at its south-western side with a distance of 11 km. The Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital belongs to this suburb.
Living in Coopers Plains It consists of numerous bus routes, and it has a co-educational primary school owned by the government, named the Cooper Plains State School. It has a library operated by the Brisbane City Council and St. Davids Copper Plains Uniting Church. In accordance with the 2011 census, the median age was 34 years, 57 percent of the population had Australia as their birthplace, and 61.9 percent of the people used English for home communication.
History of Coopers Plains It was previously referred to as Cowper’s Plains, although the name got corrupted and was later referred to as Cooper’s Plains by 1860. It got its current name by 1877, and 1876 marks the opening of its post office. On the 27th of June 1931, the Orange Grove State School was opened, although it got renamed in 1965 as Coopers Plains State School. Till the 1940s, it was rural; a barracks was built by the army of the United States that subsequently to the war evolved to the Damour Barracks of the Australian Army.
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