Is Edgeworth, NSW 2285 your dream location? It's a good first step to determine if the area is a worthwhile consideration. The suburb profile informs you with unique data about Edgeworth property prices, market trends & demographics so that we can equip you in making the best decision on your future property purchase.
If you're looking at buying in Edgeworth, have a little read of our history lesson to discover more about the lifestyle and what makes this suburb so popular.
Overview Edgeworth, a suburb of Greater Newcastle, New South Wales, covers an area of 6.8 square kilometres and had a population of 6,207 people (2016 census). Edgeworth is surrounded by the suburbs of Holmesville, Elermore Vale, Cameron Park, Glendale, Barnsley, Argenton, West Wallsend, and Teralba.
Edgeworth is 18 kilometres west of the central business district of Newcastle. It is within the local government area of the City of Lake Macquarie.
Living in Edgeworth Edgeworth is a lovely suburb with a small shopping centre, a bowling club, a Coles supermarket, a pub, and a McDonald's restaurant.
In the suburb is the Edgeworth Sport and Rec Club. It is also home to the Sugar Valley Netball Club and the Edgeworth Eagles soccer club.
Edgeworth has three schools - St. Benedict's Primary School, Edgeworth Public School, and Edgeworth Heights Public School.
Model stream trains have been operated by the Lake Macquarie Live Steam Locomotive Society since 1969.
History of Edgeworth The Awabakal people were the traditional inhabitants of Edgeworth. In the 1870s and early 1880s, the area was initially known as Cocked Hat Creek.
The suburbs name, Edgeworth, was adopted in December 1960 to honour Sir Tanatt William Edgeworth David, a geologist who arrived in New South Wales in 1882 and started the geological survey of the Hunter Valley coal seams.
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