Whether buying, renting or investing in Ferny Grove, QLD 4055, it's fundamental to evaluate whether the area is worth researching further. The Homes.com.au suburb profile provides the statistics on Ferny Grove house prices, demographics & market trends to help you make informed decisions about your future property purchase.
If you're considering a move to Ferny Grove, have a little read of our history lesson to learn more about the amazing lifestyle and what the suburb has to offer.
Overview Ferny Grove is an outer northwest suburb in Brisbane, Queensland. It covers an area of 3.8 square kilometres and is part of the local government area of the City of Brisbane. From Brisbane, Ferny Grove is approximately 15 km away. It is surrounded by a few suburbs such as Ferny Hills, Keperra, and Upper Kedron.
Living in Ferny Grove Ferny Grove is a residential suburb that is located within a hilly district. It encompasses the Brisbane State Forest within the boundaries of the suburb. This area is also home to 8 parks, three schools, and a couple of childcare centres. The Ferny Grove State School is one of the heritage-listed sites in the area. The Ferny Grove railway station services it along with a few bus routes. The demography of this suburb consists of mostly Australian-born residents and those from England, New Zealand, South Africa, Scotland, and India.
History of Ferny Grove The name of this suburb is derived from the topography of the land, which consists of fern groves. It was later cleared to make way for farming activities. It is also used for fruit growing and dairy farming.
Find out more about the Ferny Grove property market by connecting with an experienced Ferny Grove real estate agent on our find agent page.