Does Flinders, NSW 2529 real estate interest you? It's important to understand if the suburb is worth researching further. The suburb profile utilises market-leading data to provide you with the Flinders property prices, market trends & demographics so that we can help you make informed decisions about your future property purchase.
If you are making a move to Flinders, keep reading for a brief history lesson to discover more about the fantastic lifestyle and what makes this suburb so great.
Overview Flinders is a southern suburb in the Illawarra region of New South Wales, Australia. It is part of the City of Shellharbour local government area, situated at an approximate distance of 86 km southwest of the city of Sydney. Flinders is bordered by a few suburbs such as Blackbutt, Barrack Heights, Barrack Point, Shellharbour, Croom, and Shell Cove.
Living in Flinders Flinders is a very leafy suburb that is made up of 85% parks and open spaces. In fact, it has over 60 hectares of open spaces that feature waterways, bush reserves, and landscaped gardens. There are also a few beaches within proximity to this suburb. It is served by the Shellharbour Junction railway station (formerly the Dunmore railway station). Aside from the train service, there are also various bus routes in the area.
Not only is Flinders a leafy suburb, but it is also a safe community with a very minimal crime rate. It is not an affluent community (roughly 6% of the population lives in public housing estates, and 23% are renters); it has access to several services such as salons, fitness and health centres, restaurants, pubs, cafes, and a Woolworths branch. The nearest beach is 3 km away.
History of Flinders Little is known about the history of the suburb of Flinders. There are some theories that it was named after one of Australia’s greatest explorers, Matthew Flinders.
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Flinders (NSW) is 2.31 square kilometres and has a population of 1848.
The postcode for Flinders, NSW is 2529
Demographic The five most common nationalities of residents are: English, Scottish, Irish, Macedonian, Italian.