Whether buying, renting or investing in Caulfield South, VIC 3162, it's fundamental to determine if it is an ideal option for you (and your family?). The Homes.com.au suburb profile informs you with unique data about Caulfield South property prices, market trends & demographics so we can help you justify the price for your future purchase.
If you are considering packing up and moving to Caulfield South, have a little read of our historical overview to learn more about the fantastic lifestyle and what makes this suburb so great.
Overview Caulfield South is a suburb located in Melbourne, Victoria. It belongs to the local government area of the City of Glen Eira and the federal division of Goldstein. Covering an area of 3.3 square kilometres, it is located 10 km southeast of Melbourne CBD. The suburb is accessible by major thoroughfares and is surrounded by various suburbs like Elsternwick, Caulfield, Caulfield East, Glen Huntly, Ormond, and Gardenvale.
Living in Caulfield South Caulfield South is a suburb that is dominated by period-style detached homes. Most of these homes range from the early 1900s. However, many of these homes are demolished to give way to the construction of new, two-storey homes. There is also a rapid growth in terms of high-density flats and apartments in the area. The suburb of Caulfield South is notable for its abundance of parks and gardens, such as Princes Park. It is also noteworthy as the home of the Caulfield General Medical Centre, which was once a mansion and former rehabilitation centre for the injured servicemen during the Great War. Caulfield South is known for its predominantly Jewish population (making up over 44% of its population).
History of Caulfield South Caulfield South was once part of the City of Caulfield. Therefore, the history of these two is closely tied together.
Learn more about the Caulfield South real estate market by joining forces with a top-notch Caulfield South real estate agent using our find agent page.