If you are considering buying, renting, or investing in Waurn Ponds, VIC 3216, it's fundamental to determine if the area is an ideal option for you (and your family?). The Homes.com.au suburb profile provides information on Waurn Ponds median property prices, market trends & demographics so that we can help you justify the price for your future purchase.
If you are new to Waurn Ponds, continue reading for a brief historical overview to discover the amazing lifestyle and what makes this suburb so popular.
Overview Waurn Ponds is a southern suburb in the City of Greater Geelong local government area. It is bordered by Ceres, Highton, Mount Duneed, and Barrabol. According to the 2016 census, it had a population of 5,046.
Living in Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds lies along the Princes Highway, connecting the suburb to the centre of Greater Geelong. Other access points include the Geelong Ring Road, Anglesea Road, and Pioneer Road. The Waurn Ponds railway station links it to the V/Line rail.
Waurn is home to many schools, notably Mount Duneed Regional Primary School. It is also best known for its 365-hectare campus of Deakin University.
Residents have numerous shopping options. The Waurn Ponds Shopping Centre is a regional-level shopping centre that has seen steady expansion over the years. Other commercial centres are the Geelong Homemaker Centre and Waurn Ponds Plaza. Waurn Ponds has a hall that is used for community events.
History of Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds was named for the chain of ponds that flow from Mount Moriac. David Pettavel established the Albert and Victoria vineyards and began growing grapes in 1848. The Pettavel Post Office opened in 1865 and was eventually renamed Waurn Ponds Post Office.
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